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Frequently Asked Questions 

  • What can I expect from a consultation call with a therapist?
    A consultation call with a therapist is typically a brief conversation, usually around 15 minutes, where you can ask questions and get to know me before deciding if you would like to work with me. Here are some things you can expect from a consultation call with me: Introduction: I will introduce myself and ask you to do the same. Reason for seeking therapy: I will ask you about the reason you are seeking therapy and any specific concerns or issues you are experiencing. Questions and answers: You will have the opportunity to ask me questions about my background, experience, and approach to therapy. I might also ask you questions about your background and goals for therapy. Logistics: You can ask me about the logistics of therapy, such as scheduling, fees, insurance, and the therapeutic process. Compatibility: You and I will have a chance to get a sense of how well we might work together. If you feel comfortable with me and my approach, you can schedule a full therapy session. If not, you can take some time to think or continue your search for a therapist who feels like a better fit. The consultation call is an opportunity for you to get a sense of my style and determine if I might be a good match for your needs. Remember that therapy is a collaborative process, and finding the right therapist can be a critical step in achieving your therapeutic goals.
  • What questions should I ask in a consult call for therapy?
    Here are some questions that you may want to consider asking during a consultation call for therapy: What type of therapy do you specialize in? What is your experience in treating issues similar to mine? What is your approach to therapy? What is the duration of therapy sessions, and how often are they scheduled? How do you measure progress and success in therapy? What is your fee structure, and do you offer insurance reimbursement? How can I reach you outside of scheduled sessions if I need to?
  • How will I know if my therapist is a good fit for me?
    Finding a therapist who is a good fit for you is essential for making progress in therapy. Here are some signs that you might be a good fit with your therapist: You feel comfortable and at ease with your therapist, and you can openly discuss sensitive issues. They are someone you could see yourself opening up to Your therapist is attentive and actively listens to your concerns and questions. Your therapist respects your boundaries and works collaboratively with you. If you find that you do not feel comfortable with your therapist or do not feel like you are making progress, it may be time to reevaluate your therapist-client relationship or consider finding a different therapist who is a better fit for you. Remember, it is okay to take your time and shop around to find the right therapist for your needs.
  • What happens in your first therapy session?
    In our first session together, I’ll help you get oriented with the physical space we are in and make sure you are comfortable. We’ll spend some time gathering a history of your family of origin, past significant experiences, relational history, etc. We’ll also spend some time talking about what brings you to therapy and what you hope to get out of therapy. I’ll explain a little bit about how I work, and the logistics of therapy. You’ll also have a chance to ask me questions, or tell me about your interests. This session is mostly about starting to build our relationship and getting more comfortable with one another.
  • What is the difference between an MFT and other therapists?
    An MFT is a Marriage and Family Therapist, and they specialize in providing therapy services that focus on helping individuals, couples, and families improve their relationships and mental health. The primary difference between MFTs and other types of therapists is their focus on relationships and family systems. Here are some of the key differences between MFTs and other types of therapists: Training: MFTs receive specialized training in family therapy and are trained to work with families and couples. Other types of therapists, such as psychologists or social workers, may receive more generalized training that does not focus as heavily on family systems and relationships. Focus: MFTs focus on relationships and family systems, which means they help clients understand how their individual behaviors and emotions impact their relationships with others. Other types of therapists may focus more on individual emotional or mental health issues. Approach: MFTs use a variety of approaches to help clients, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and systemic therapy. However, they often approach therapy from a systemic perspective, which means they focus on how individuals are interconnected and how changes in one part of the system can impact the whole. Scope of practice: MFTs often work with couples and families, but they can also work with individuals who are struggling with relationship issues. Other types of therapists may work more exclusively with individuals. It's important to note that each therapist, regardless of their training or specialization, has a unique approach and style, so it's essential to find a therapist that you feel comfortable working with and who meets your specific needs.
  • What qualifies someone as neurodivergent?
    The term "neurodivergent" is used to describe individuals who have atypical neurological development or functioning. This includes conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Tourette's syndrome, and other conditions that affect brain development and functioning. Some common characteristics of neurodivergent individuals may include: Differences in social communication and interaction, such as difficulty with nonverbal communication, social cues, or understanding social norms. Differences in sensory processing, such as sensitivity to light, sound, or touch, or difficulty with sensory integration. Differences in cognitive processing, such as a tendency towards hyperfocus, divergent thinking, or a unique learning style. Differences in emotional regulation, such as intense emotions or difficulty with emotional regulation. It's important to note that neurodivergent individuals have unique strengths and challenges, and it's essential to approach neurodiversity from a place of respect and understanding. Neurodiversity is a natural variation in human brain development, and all individuals, regardless of their neurological profile, have value and deserve respect and support.
  • What is a neurodiversity affirming approach?
    A neurodiversity affirming approach is an approach that acknowledges and respects the diversity of neurological functioning and aims to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals who have different neurocognitive abilities or experiences. The term "neurodivergent" is often used to describe people who have neurological differences or conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others. Neurodivergent individuals often face barriers to full participation in society due to their differences, including stigmatization, discrimination, and exclusion. A neurodiversity affirming approach involves accepting and celebrating the diversity of neurocognitive experiences and promoting the idea that there is no "normal" or "right" way to think or process information. It emphasizes the need for accommodations and supports to help individuals with different neurological profiles thrive, rather than trying to force them to conform to neurotypical expectations. This approach also involves recognizing and addressing the systemic barriers that neurodivergent individuals face, such as ableism and lack of accessibility, and working to create more inclusive environments that value and support the unique perspectives and contributions of all individuals.
  • What is the cost for sessions?
    My fee is $250 for weekly 45 minute sessions. I have limited sliding scale availability based on financial need. I also provide a monthly superbill that you can submit to insurance for potential reimbursement. I'm happy to consult with you and walk you through all the options available to make therapy accessible for you.
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